Truly Madly Guilty

Truly Madly Guilty - Liane Moriarty I was surprised that this felt like a "harder read" than some of the other Liane Moriarty books I have read. I am not sure I identified with enough of the characters or their situations but it was still skillfully woven around very ordinary lives. I tried it back during christmas and gave up on the hardback for another more topical read and didn't get back to it until the beginning of this month. I tend to read most days in my lunch breaks so maybe this would be suited to a holiday read (longer sessions of reading). I found it wasn't much of a "can't put it down book" and I don't think I ever stayed up later than I should have trying to get to the next bit.

The style was similar to the Big Little Lies and Three Wishes though which for me were much more gripping reads. I like her style and the way in which the details are written in very vividly. Basically I can't get enough of these books and the only reason I didn't give it five is that my expectations are probably quite high given the twists/reveals in earlier books so I might have been looking for more of a surprise journey. However I cannot fault the writing or the story or the pace. Maybe I just needed not to be sitting reading in the rain in the suburbs as it felt a little too ordinary at parts :)

Would recommend for fans but not necessarily as your first taste of the author.